Hello, hi there how do you do? Oh, I am well! How about you? I am quite fine, not quite sublime. Oh, that's alright! Is it though, dude? I don't know . . . I just said some thing to get you to stop talking Well, I'll have you know If you let me talk more this convo could grow! You always do this every time! Why do you do it? Why, why, why? What's the point of a conversation that ends leaving us feeling bitter and dry? Hey now, come on! I don't know how else to lead a conversation I suppose that I do fear experiencing confrontations Your fear is baseless! And if it is not . . . You, you are doomed to be sad 'til you rot. sugar coated hogwash! You know nothing! You don't know me! You simply do not understand! This is beneath me! I am leaving! So be it then, bye, bye! I would rather be alone than choose to share with you, my time! Au revoir! 'til the day I die!