import java.util.ArrayList; import*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; /* * @author * Kian Agheli * * References: * * * * * * * * Date: * 2024-05-08 * * Purpose of class: * Provide a view for comparing font families. */ // ComparisonView is a JFrame public class ComparisonView extends JFrame { private final int WINDOW_MIN_WIDTH = 960; // A ComparisonView has a minimum height private final int WINDOW_MIN_HEIGHT = 540; // A ComparisonView has a minimum width private ArrayList<FontFamily> fonts; // A ComparisonView has a list of fonts private Font textFont; // A ComparisonView has a preferred text font private final int TEXT_SIZE = 20; // A ComparisonView has a constant text size. /** * Walk the file tree. */ static void walk(File dir, ArrayList<File> list) { File[] dirContents = dir.listFiles(); // List the files in the directory. // For each of the items in the directory: for (int i = 0; i < dirContents.length; i++) { // If it's a file, and its name ends with '.pb', add it to the list. if (dirContents[i].isFile() && dirContents[i].getName().endsWith(".pb")) { list.add(dirContents[i]); // If it's a directory, recurse through it. } else if (dirContents[i].isDirectory()) { walk(dirContents[i], list); } // Otherwise, it's an irregular file. Ignore it. } } /** * Initialize GUI and comparison. */ public ComparisonView() { /* Set text font. Register the included ttf file as a font in the current environment. This is akin to adding it to the map of font family names and file names. */ try { GraphicsEnvironment environment = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); environment.registerFont(Font.createFont(Font.TRUETYPE_FONT, new File("./DejaVuSansCondensed.ttf"))); /* If either IOException or FontFormatException are thrown, error out. */ } catch (IOException|FontFormatException e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); System.exit(-1); } /* Set default text font to included DejaVu Sans Condensed. */ textFont = new Font("DejaVu Sans Condensed", Font.PLAIN, TEXT_SIZE); getContentPane().setFont(textFont); UIManager.put("Label.font", textFont); UIManager.put("Panel.font", textFont); setTitle("Google Fonts Style vs. Popularity"); // Window title setMinimumSize(new Dimension(WINDOW_MIN_WIDTH, WINDOW_MIN_HEIGHT)); // Minimum window size /* On window close, kill the program. */ setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); pack(); // Pack the GUI setVisible(true); // Make the window visible /* In metadata/*.pb, each font is described. Add each of the files in that directory to a list. */ ArrayList<File> metadataList = new ArrayList<File>(); try { walk(new File("."), metadataList); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(e.getMessage()); // Print error message System.exit(-1); // Exit with error } /* Open families.csv and popularity.json. If either are missing, the program cannot run. */ File styleFile = new File("families.csv"); if (!styleFile.exists()) { System.out.println("families.csv doesn't exist."); System.exit(-1); } File popularityFile = new File("popularity.json"); if (!popularityFile.exists()) { System.exit(-1); } /* Panel to show while waiting for FontFamily data structures to populate. */ JPanel waiting = new JPanel(); JLabel waitingLabel = new JLabel("Memory structures take 10-15 seconds to set up. My apologies."); waiting.add(waitingLabel); this.add(waiting, BorderLayout.CENTER); setVisible(true); /* Construct Readers from each of the metadata files. */ CSVReader style = new CSVReader(styleFile); JSONReader popularity = new JSONReader(popularityFile); // Create FontFamily objects from each METADATA.pb file. fonts = new ArrayList<FontFamily>(); /* For each metadata file, parse a FontFamily. */ for (File file : metadataList) { JSONReader metadata = new JSONReader(file); metadata.setMetadata(); fonts.add(new FontFamily(metadata, popularity, style)); } waiting.remove(waitingLabel); // Remove waiting message. JPanel author = new JPanel(); JLabel authorLabel = new JLabel("Written by Kian Agheli"); author.add(authorLabel); add(author, BorderLayout.SOUTH); // Add author panel. LineGraph graph = new LineGraph(fonts); // Draw a line graph of the font views metadata. add(graph, BorderLayout.NORTH); // Add the line graph. pack(); // Pack the window. setVisible(true); // Re-draw the window. } public static void main(String[] argv) { new ComparisonView(); // Call the constructor. } }