name: "Bellota"
designer: "Kemie Guaida"
license: "OFL"
category: "DISPLAY"
date_added: "2020-01-16"
fonts {
  name: "Bellota"
  style: "normal"
  weight: 300
  filename: "Bellota-Light.ttf"
  post_script_name: "Bellota-Light"
  full_name: "Bellota Light"
  copyright: "Copyright 2019 The Bellota Project Authors ("
fonts {
  name: "Bellota"
  style: "italic"
  weight: 300
  filename: "Bellota-LightItalic.ttf"
  post_script_name: "Bellota-LightItalic"
  full_name: "Bellota Light Italic"
  copyright: "Copyright 2019 The Bellota Project Authors ("
fonts {
  name: "Bellota"
  style: "normal"
  weight: 400
  filename: "Bellota-Regular.ttf"
  post_script_name: "Bellota-Regular"
  full_name: "Bellota Regular"
  copyright: "Copyright 2019 The Bellota Project Authors ("
fonts {
  name: "Bellota"
  style: "italic"
  weight: 400
  filename: "Bellota-Italic.ttf"
  post_script_name: "Bellota-Italic"
  full_name: "Bellota Italic"
  copyright: "Copyright 2019 The Bellota Project Authors ("
fonts {
  name: "Bellota"
  style: "normal"
  weight: 700
  filename: "Bellota-Bold.ttf"
  post_script_name: "Bellota-Bold"
  full_name: "Bellota Bold"
  copyright: "Copyright 2019 The Bellota Project Authors ("
fonts {
  name: "Bellota"
  style: "italic"
  weight: 700
  filename: "Bellota-BoldItalic.ttf"
  post_script_name: "Bellota-BoldItalic"
  full_name: "Bellota Bold Italic"
  copyright: "Copyright 2019 The Bellota Project Authors ("
subsets: "cyrillic"
subsets: "latin"
subsets: "latin-ext"
subsets: "menu"
subsets: "vietnamese"
source {
  repository_url: ""